For me, it was the following that made me go straight to the shop:
- the lack of a welder
- the location of my three broken bolts
- no air tools
- it was summer in NC and I hate the gnats and humidity
- no tools (to my knowledge at the time) to get me in a spot comfortable enough with the drill bits to be able to drill straight
- no second vehicle to drive around in the event that I messed something up
- the value of my free time
- a fiancée that, quote (in case she ever reads this post) “taught me the value of investing time in our wedding planning instead of working on a vehicle.”
Long story short, it all comes down to my inadequate tool selection to perform the job and my desire to have my free time that didn’t involve working on the tahoe for another weekend in a row (and end up on the couch lol). If I had access to a shop I wouldn’t have had much issue with doing the job but what can you do?