Gotcha. How many miles do you think the average ignition switch would last? With the way the gas gauge acts would you suspect it has something to do with that more than anything else? For the longest time the gauge would always act sporadic and never really give a good reading. Now after I cleaned the grounds in the back with a wire wheel the gauge seems normal and doesn't shake, except for the issue after the key is off. I'm not stuck on just the gas gauge and the ground being our issue, just curious to why it would do that all of a sudden. Does the ignition switch control that or is the fuel sending unit bad or something? Or could a wire for the fuel sending unit be bad? Like I said earlier though I didn't bother checking the starter yet but I will tomorrow after work. Can I put the digital multimeter to it and see if there is a resistance there? If so, how would I go about doing that? Grounding the negative lead, and putting the red lead, on the starter itself? or one of the wires? I'm assuming there's a purple wire in there...It's been awhile since we replaced the starter so I
Once again though, thanks for your help!