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Coincidentally, a coworker and I were discussing Brasso a few days ago. He was a radioman in the Navy and they banned them from using it to clean the ships, particularly the doors. It was wearing down the seals little by little, eventually making them leak.
Related story: When my ex-wife's aunt passed, the family was going through her belongings to disperse them among themselves and hauling the rest out to the trash pile. In a load to the trash pile, I ran across an old and rusty but unused can of Brasso and snatched it up. The family, that already thought I was a bit "out there", turned their noses up at me (they were jealous haters for many other reasons) as I contently carted my prize to my truck. The "newer" version is still good for polishing scratches out of acrylic and plastic.
That's why I started using Brasso, on my buckles to pass inspection! But the best stuff aboard ship was not Brasso, it was the bug juice, the powder for the red drink mix, that stuff cleaned everything!
Surely is a good find, it lasts forever. I feel bad for these folks who fall for those expiration labels that EVERYTHING has on it these days. Next thing you know, they'll put them on our cars and the poor millenials will go broke buying new cars before theirs expires.