Better off removing the intake manifold and giving it a thorough cleaning. Cleaning just the TB doesn't do much at all other than preventing the blade from sticking. Spraying a bunch of cleaner through it just blows the gunk into the manifold where it stays or washes down into the cylinders. Even if you cleaned the TB and as far inside the manifold as you could reach, the PCV tube goes in at the back and that's the source for oil buildup. Although, it's much less if you have a catch can, it's still a buildup. I use the Super Tech brake parts cleaner or carburetor cleaner from Walmart cuz it's cheap and works great. I just stocked up on the brake parts cleaner for under $2 a can last week.
Thanks dub, i got side tracked yesterday... had to tune-up my b-i-l's lawn mower and then I decided to do my mower and sharpen my blades which turned into me changing the spindles on the deck for my blades that i bought last year and have been sitting around....and in-between, i started putting my grill together.....wasn't really too motivated yesterday but at least i got a few things done...
ive been thinking about how im gonna go about cleaning everything because besides being a lazy ass, i really dont want to deal with idle relearn crap, i heard some storys about the idle being completely f'ed up and would like to avoid a trip to the dealer... I figured by removing the tb and not really touching the throttle blade, i can spray as much cleaner, tb cleaner, brake clean whatever, as i want and not worry about doing any harm to anything (on the off chance of hydro locking, messing up the idle or anything else) unless im wrong, (which is definitely a possibility because im no mechanic and never claimed to be but i wont pay anyone unless it's absolutely necessary), and the idle will be messed up no matter what, I dont know and id rather not find out the hard way... Not gonna remove intake, just tb....i think thats more my issue ...the throttle blade is gummed up and hanging up and sticking slightly. As far as the intake and pcv, i was going to spray a rag and stick it in as far as i can and pull it out, cleaning and rubbing on the way out so in dont push everything in towards the motor, unless my thought process is wrong, and when i cut for catch can i will spray and clean again....and yes the catch can will be installed when i do this....
believe it or not though, since removing the air intake tube and cleaning the little i did i feel like its better already... prob in my head tho. Thanks
@iamdub appreciate your advice.