Alright, I blame you guys for my mistake. Someone should have told me that I’m messing up. Thought you had my back?
I’m in garage working on my other crap when she comes out to go to the store. Fired up the Esky and a ploom of smoke blows out the tail pipe and fills the garage. So bad I had to let it air out with double door open and kick a fan on to clear it out. What the hell?
Remember this?

Why did you let me do this? I’m really starting to rethink our relationship.
This wide open breather to the valve cover allowed oil to be sucked into the intake and puddled when it was off. Burned it while running. I only had 3 quarts of oil in the engine!! So I started draining what was left of the oil, I had no idea what oil was in it, and it was changed before I bought it. Had 80% oil life left but I figured I’d start over and run my Amsoil and K&N oil filter. What I did about the oil consumption was run a 3/8 hose off hollowed out PCV up by brake booster and put a small filter/breather on it for a temporary fix. I plugged off the vacuum line also. I was gonna swap out the valve cover back to the original but I found out there is an updated version of it that has different baffles to eliminate oil consumption. Ordered that and will swap it out once it arrives and do my coil brackets at the same time.
While I was under there I noticed the inside of he drivers rotor was ugly. Might as well get some brakes too. Seen the sway bar end link bushings weren’t that great of shape either so I picked some of those up as well.
$320 later I have the rotors, ceramic pads, end links, oil filter and oil. Then I got busy.

Driver side rotor outboard side.

And the outboard pad.

Inboard side of rotor.

And the pad.

It’s got a nice taper to it. Thankfully it was just sticking on the bracket and the caliper wasn’t bad. Everything else went back together fine.
Passenger side

Drivers side.

Now I know what your thinking, “why didn’t you clean and paint that stuff while it was off, you lazy bastard”. I was gonna. But, there’s always a butt, I found a bad lower ball joint on passenger side. A sloppy upper on drivers side. And both outer tie rod ends have play. I was pressed for time, didn’t plan on any of this until I seen the smoke it blew out and then noticed the bad rotor. So all of this is coming back apart in the near future to replace the entire front end. Anyone that followed my Denali build seen that when I do a front end- I do the entire front end. Got on Rockauto and ordered both upper arms, lower ball joints, inner and outer tie rod ends and also got new camber bolts for the upper arms. There goes another $450. So in one day I spent almost $800 on this thing. I was going to order the drop kit since I’ll have the spindle off anyway but I’m not sure what kit and how low I’m going yet and I can’t wait to change these bad parts. This coming weekend it’s getting all changed and then it’s going in for alignment and to have a leaky valve stem fixed. After that it’s off to my tint guy and doing rear in 5%, driver and passenger in 20% and windshield in a 35% with a brow in 5%. I’m dropping money like it’s on fire so the lowering kit will have to wait until I can catch up with my other priorities. Not to mention my washer took a crap on Xmas eve so I had to go buy a new one last Thursday. I tried fixing my old one but it was in the transmission and they wanted $400 for a new transmission and I would have to wait 6 days to get it. It’s always something!!
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I’m in garage working on my other crap when she comes out to go to the store. Fired up the Esky and a ploom of smoke blows out the tail pipe and fills the garage. So bad I had to let it air out with double door open and kick a fan on to clear it out. What the hell?
Remember this?

Why did you let me do this? I’m really starting to rethink our relationship.
This wide open breather to the valve cover allowed oil to be sucked into the intake and puddled when it was off. Burned it while running. I only had 3 quarts of oil in the engine!! So I started draining what was left of the oil, I had no idea what oil was in it, and it was changed before I bought it. Had 80% oil life left but I figured I’d start over and run my Amsoil and K&N oil filter. What I did about the oil consumption was run a 3/8 hose off hollowed out PCV up by brake booster and put a small filter/breather on it for a temporary fix. I plugged off the vacuum line also. I was gonna swap out the valve cover back to the original but I found out there is an updated version of it that has different baffles to eliminate oil consumption. Ordered that and will swap it out once it arrives and do my coil brackets at the same time.
While I was under there I noticed the inside of he drivers rotor was ugly. Might as well get some brakes too. Seen the sway bar end link bushings weren’t that great of shape either so I picked some of those up as well.
$320 later I have the rotors, ceramic pads, end links, oil filter and oil. Then I got busy.

Driver side rotor outboard side.

And the outboard pad.

Inboard side of rotor.

And the pad.

It’s got a nice taper to it. Thankfully it was just sticking on the bracket and the caliper wasn’t bad. Everything else went back together fine.
Passenger side

Drivers side.

Now I know what your thinking, “why didn’t you clean and paint that stuff while it was off, you lazy bastard”. I was gonna. But, there’s always a butt, I found a bad lower ball joint on passenger side. A sloppy upper on drivers side. And both outer tie rod ends have play. I was pressed for time, didn’t plan on any of this until I seen the smoke it blew out and then noticed the bad rotor. So all of this is coming back apart in the near future to replace the entire front end. Anyone that followed my Denali build seen that when I do a front end- I do the entire front end. Got on Rockauto and ordered both upper arms, lower ball joints, inner and outer tie rod ends and also got new camber bolts for the upper arms. There goes another $450. So in one day I spent almost $800 on this thing. I was going to order the drop kit since I’ll have the spindle off anyway but I’m not sure what kit and how low I’m going yet and I can’t wait to change these bad parts. This coming weekend it’s getting all changed and then it’s going in for alignment and to have a leaky valve stem fixed. After that it’s off to my tint guy and doing rear in 5%, driver and passenger in 20% and windshield in a 35% with a brow in 5%. I’m dropping money like it’s on fire so the lowering kit will have to wait until I can catch up with my other priorities. Not to mention my washer took a crap on Xmas eve so I had to go buy a new one last Thursday. I tried fixing my old one but it was in the transmission and they wanted $400 for a new transmission and I would have to wait 6 days to get it. It’s always something!!
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