Hello all, been away from the forum for a couple of months. Went into the emergency room for an sudden onset of a loss of vision event early January. Started with my left eye and migrated to include my right eye. In the hospital for eight days and went through numerous tests/scans and blood draws. Essentially I had significant swelling around both optic nerves. Only guesses on the cause. Out of commission for several weeks. At this time I have little use of my left eye. My right eye has recovered to the point where I've been cleared to drive last Thursday (daylight only). I lost a good portion of my ability to see contrasts. Hopefully as time goes by some additional improvements will occur.
Although I haven't been able to drive my Tahoe, my family have and they love it. Got in it Friday and took it for a spin. Wow, she drives so nice. Another 500 miles accumulated on the new engine. So far so good. Wrapped and preserved the engine I took out of it after cleaning it up a bit.
Good to be back on the forum.
Good to see you back on here! I pray that your sight will improve soon.
Personally I had toe surgery on my right foot and can't drive with it for 4 more weeks; I now have hand controls so I can at least get around for a while.