alright so a few little updates, apparently before we did the other maintenance on her bike above, she had a passenger on with her and being the bike is lowered the passenger was heavier than she has had since last time i had to fix wires in the back ( similar to what will be shown below) we went to go on the group ride (the reason it got the work and the wash) and we left the house only to find out she didn't have signals, so we did a quick look and didn't find anything major so we dropped it back off at the house and she just rode with me. we here is what i found when i actually got a chance to look at it later. ( wanted it fixed so it was working, but also have a ride coming up on 9-18-21 for my late nephew and wanted to have it sorted before then.
after i cut the zip ties and pulled it down to see what was going on better
it broke the light/plate mount off one side.
i was able to cut the crappy lights off either side, and use the backer that had been just holding the lights, and drill some holes and use it to mount the plate with now also.. not perfect and not my best work, but it is fixed and secure for now.. i will probably be looking into options for the future however.