So yesterday I finally got the turn signal issue fixed. I had a busy as day and was so irritated with it. Got back up the mountain from a quick trip down to chemical guys and when I got home I decided let’s pull the fuse for the turn signal and see what happens. Pulled the fuse and arrow in my glass and the green arrow in my cluster where still staying dimly lit.... I’m like well that’s not supposed to happen.... so I pulled the turn signal lense off the truck and pulled both turn signal sockets out. The main signal socket had some wires spliced together from where I had previously tapped into it for some aftermarket lights that I ended up taking off a while back cuz they were janky and ghetto looking. The wiring was all loose. I jiggled it around a couple times and the turn signal started functioning normally. So I pulled all the splice connectors and redid everything with fresh connectors and made sure to crimp them down nice and snug. I grabbed heat shrink tubing and warmed it up to snug it up and make sure everything was properly sealed. And now my turn signal works as it should. In the process of taking the bulb in and out of the socket a couple times while I was fixing wires and what not, the bulb blew.....
picked up a ne bulb this morning and it’s good to go. Lol.