I couldn't handle the plugs, my OCD kicked in but MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE LEFT THEM!!! I found a guy with a small welding business at his home. he looked at it with the plugs in and said, sure he could do it for $100. I told him the hole sizes. He told me to come back in an hour, and I removed the plugs and went back. He looked at the big hole and said he didn't know one was THAT big. He started talking about warping the door due to so much welding. I called my bodyshop and asked what he should do; they said to just weld backing plates, spot welded about every 1/8". No need to fill that huge hole. So dude welded plates in, had me look, and I could see daylight at 2 places in the big hole and there was only 4 spot welds. So he said he'd add some welds. Called me over, there was still 2 holes. Damn. So he filled them. Cool, but now it looked like ass because I swear the dude couldn't see very good. So he "buffed" the welds and ...hey, I think it's going to be ok, looks like it's fillable, strong so nothing can move, and there's very little warpage. I pay him the $100. I stayed calm the whole time even though he was stressing me out. As I'm leaving, he's standing there in his driveway/shop area and I have the driver's door open and he's chatting about my truck. He's standing on the other side of my open door. I say "thanks" and extend my hand through the open window and... there's a loud "thunk" against my door as he shakes my hand. He was f****ng standing there balancing a 15 lb piece of 3" x 3" heavy wall steel about 3' tall and when he went to shake my hand, he just let loose of it and it fell over onto my door!!! AHHHHHHH!!! So he says " I didn't know you were going to open the door, blah blah blah...I mean the door was already OPEN!!! Then he said he just scratched it.. I said no, you DENTED my door, and now it's going to cost me to have it fixed. So he offered to give me $40 back and... I said f*ck it. I took the $40 and drove away. Dude didn't look like he was doing very good and I didn't want to make his Friday end like shit. Oh well, maybe my guy can do some magic and not have to paint the whole door. NOW my OCD is in FULL EFFECT!!! Damn welded holes in the back, and a new ding in my driver door. Arrrrhhhh I need to calm down!!!
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