So, Has anyone swapped their VCIM for Factory Bluetooth Capabililty??

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Full Access Member
Apr 23, 2011
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Pairing a Phone
1. Press and hold b / g for
two seconds.
2. Say “Bluetooth.”
3. Say “Pair.” The system responds
with instructions and a four‐digit
Personal Identification Number
(PIN). The PIN is used in Step 5.
4. Start the pairing process on the
cell phone that you want to pair.
For help with this process, see
the cell phone manufacturer's
user guide.
5. Locate the device named “Your
Vehicle” in the list on the cell
phone. Follow the instructions
on the cell phone to enter the
PIN that was provided in Step 3.
After the PIN is successfully
entered, the system prompts you
to provide a name for the paired
cell phone. This name will be
used to indicate which phones
are paired and connected to the
vehicle. See “Listing All Paired
and Connected Phones” later in
this section for more information.
6. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 to pair
additional phones.
Listing All Paired and Connected

The system can list all cell phones
paired to it. If a paired cell phone is
also connected to the vehicle, the
system responds with “is connected”
after that phone name.
1. Press and hold b / g for
two seconds.
2. Say “Bluetooth.”
3. Say “List.”

Deleting a Paired Phone
If the phone name you want to
delete is unknown, see “Listing All
Paired and Connected Phones.”
1. Press and hold b / g for
two seconds.
2. Say “Bluetooth.”
3. Say “Delete.” The system asks
which phone to delete.
4. Say the name of the phone you
want to delete.

Connecting to a Different Phone
To connect to a different cell phone,
the Bluetooth system looks for the
next available cell phone in the
order in which all the available cell
phones were paired. Depending on
which cell phone you want to
connect to, you may have to use
this command several times.
1. Press and hold b / g for
two seconds.
2. Say “Bluetooth.”
3. Say “Change phone.”
. If another cell phone is
found, the response will be
“<Phone name> is now
. If another cell phone is not
found, the original phone
remains connected.
Storing and Deleting Phone

The system can store up to
30 phone numbers as name tags in
the Hands‐Free Directory that is
shared between the Bluetooth and
OnStar systems, if equipped.
The following commands are used
to delete and store phone numbers.
Store: This command will store a
phone number, or a group of
numbers as a name tag.
Digit Store: This command allows
a phone number to be stored as a
name tag by entering the digits one
at a time.
Delete: This command is used to
delete individual name tags.
Delete All Name Tags: This
command deletes all stored
name tags in the Hands‐Free
Calling Directory and the OnStar
Turn‐by‐Turn Destinations Directory,
if equipped.

Using the “Store” Command
1. Press and hold b / g for
two seconds.
2. Say “Store.”
3. Say the phone number or group
of numbers you want to store all
at once with no pauses, then
follow the directions given by the
system to save a name tag for
this number.

Using the “Digit Store” Command
If an unwanted number is
recognized by the system, say
“Clear” at any time to clear the last

To hear all of the numbers
recognized by the system, say
“Verify” at any time.
1. Press and hold b / g for
two seconds.
2. Say “Digit Store.”
3. Say each digit, one at a time,
that you want to store. After
each digit is entered, the system
repeats back the digit it heard
followed by a tone. After the last
digit has been entered, say
“Store,” and then follow the
directions given by the system to
save a name tag for this number.

Using the “Delete” Command
1. Press and hold b / g for
two seconds.
2. Say “Delete.”
3. Say the name tag you want to
Using the “Delete All Name Tags”
This command deletes all stored
name tags in the Hands‐Free
Calling Directory and the OnStar
Turn‐by‐Turn Destinations Directory,
if equipped.
To delete all name tags:
1. Press and hold b / g for
two seconds.
2. Say “Delete all name tags.”

Listing Stored Numbers
The list command will list all stored
numbers and name tags.
Using the “List” Command
1. Press and hold b / g for
two seconds.
2. Say “Directory.”
3. Say “Hands‐Free Calling.”
4. Say “List.”

Making a Call
Calls can be made using the
following commands.
Dial or Call: The dial or call
command can be used
interchangeably to dial a phone
number or a stored name tag.
Digit Dial: This command allows a
phone number to be dialed by
entering the digits one at a time.
Re‐dial: This command is used to
dial the last number used on the cell
Using the “Dial” or “Call”
1. Press and hold b / g for
two seconds.
2. Say “Dial” or “Call.”
3. Say the entire number without
pausing, or say the name tag.
Once connected, the person called
will be heard through the audio

Using the “Digit Dial” Command
The digit dial command allows a
phone number to be dialed by
entering the digits one at a time.
After each digit is entered, the
system repeats back the digit it
heard followed by a tone.
If an unwanted number is
recognized by the system, say
“Clear” at any time to clear the last
To hear all of the numbers
recognized by the system, say
“Verify” at any time.
1. Press and hold b / g for
two seconds.
2. Say “Digit Dial.”
3. Say each digit, one at a time,
that you want to dial. After each
digit is entered, the system
repeats back the digit it heard
followed by a tone. After the last
digit has been entered,
say “Dial.”
Once connected, the person called
will be heard through the audio

Using the “Re‐dial” Command
1. Press and hold b / g for
two seconds.
2. After the tone, say “Re‐dial.”
Once connected, the person called
will be heard through the audio

Receiving a Call
When an incoming call is received,
the audio system mutes and a ring
tone is heard in the vehicle.
. Press b / g to answer the call.
. Pressc/ x to ignore a call.

Call Waiting
Call waiting must be supported on
the cell phone and enabled by the
wireless service carrier.
. Press b / g to answer an
incoming call when another call
is active. The original call is
placed on hold.
. Press b / g again to return to
the original call.
. To ignore the incoming call, no
action is required.
. Pressc/ x to disconnect the
current call and switch to the call
on hold.

Three‐Way Calling
Three‐way calling must be
supported on the cell phone and
enabled by the wireless service
1. While on a call, press b / g.
2. Say “Three‐way call.”
3. Use the dial or call command to
dial the number of the third party
to be called.
4. Once the call is connected,
press b / g to link all callers

Ending a Call
Pressc/ x to end a call.
Muting a Call
During a call, all sounds from inside
the vehicle can be muted so that the
person on the other end of the call
cannot hear them.
. To mute a call, press b / g, and
then say “Mute call.”
. To cancel mute, press b / g,
and then say “Un‐mute call.”

Transferring a Call
Audio can be transferred between
the Bluetooth system and the cell
The cell phone must be paired and
connected with the Bluetooth
system before a call can be
transferred. The connection process
can take up to two minutes after the
ignition is turned to ON/RUN.
Transferring Audio from the
Bluetooth System to a Cell Phone
During a call with the audio in the
1. Press b / g.
2. Say “Transfer Call.”
Transferring Audio to the
Bluetooth System from a Cell
During a call with the audio on the
cell phone, press b / g. The audio
transfers to the vehicle. If the audio
does not transfer to the vehicle, use
the audio transfer feature on the cell
phone. See your cell phone
manufacturer's user guide for more

Voice Pass-Thru
Voice pass‐thru allows access to the
voice recognition commands on the
cell phone. See your cell phone
manufacturer's user guide to see if
the cell phone supports this feature.
To access contacts stored in the cell
1. Press and hold b / g for
two seconds.
2. Say “Bluetooth.” The system
responds “Bluetooth ready,”
followed by a tone.
3. Say “Voice.” The system
responds “OK, accessing
<phone name>.”
The cell phone's normal prompt
messages will go through their cycle
according to the phone's operating

Dual Tone Multi-Frequency
(DTMF) Tones
The Bluetooth system can send
numbers and the numbers stored as
name tags during a call. You can
use this feature when calling a
menu‐driven phone system.
Account numbers can also be
stored for use.
Sending a Number or Name Tag
During a Call
1. Press b / g. The system
responds “Ready,” followed by
a tone.
2. Say “Dial.”
3. Say the number or name tag
to send.

Clearing the System
Unless information is deleted out of
the in‐vehicle Bluetooth system, it
will be retained indefinitely. This
includes all saved name tags in the
phone book and phone pairing
information. For information on how
to delete this information, see the
previous section “Deleting a Paired
Phone” and the previous sections
on deleting name tags.
Other Information
The Bluetooth® word mark and
logos are owned by the Bluetooth®
SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks
by General Motors is under license.
Other trademarks and trade names
are those of their respective owners
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Full Access Member
Sep 14, 2011
Reaction score
So, you all are doing a complete VCIM swap just for bluetooth? Just curious, because I installed the Blue Fusion thing last week and it works flawlessly, plus I can yank it in a matter of minutes if I want to sell it, plus I can retain OnStar in case I want it. The one reason I was considering doing a VCIM swap was in order to be able to use the Droid app to start my truck from further distances away. If I understand correctly, you would need OnStar to be active for that app to even work, and the process to get the VCIM re-flashed can be a nightmare. Just wondering why people don't go the bluefusion route if you are only interested in BT functionality.


Full Access Member
Oct 7, 2010
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Lafayette, LA
One word: Factory.

I still haven't decided which one i'm doing... and BlueFusion has BT audio too...


Full Access Member
Sep 14, 2011
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One word: Factory.

I still haven't decided which one i'm doing... and BlueFusion has BT audio too...

Understood, but IMO there is a difference between factory and OEM. Swapping a VCIM for one from another vehicle entirely seems more intrusive than just adding a BT adapter (which uses the factory nav screen very nicely I might add). Just my .02.


Jan 10, 2010
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New York
Still have my 4 month old Bluefusion for sale if anyone is interested.


Full Access Member
Oct 7, 2010
Reaction score
Lafayette, LA
Understood, but IMO there is a difference between factory and OEM. Swapping a VCIM for one from another vehicle entirely seems more intrusive than just adding a BT adapter (which uses the factory nav screen very nicely I might add). Just my .02.

Yea you have a great point I definitely agree with you... it's actually the main reason I haven't pulled the trigger on either of them.. I just can't decide. I hated my aftermarket pioneer mic from the z110bt in my Tahoe so I really don't feel like adding another mic when they already have a factory one.


Sep 19, 2011
Reaction score
St. Louis
Felix, that is my issue too. I was all about the blue fusion unit and then I thought, why do I want to run a cord and mic through my cabin when there is a perfectly good one already there. Does anyone have any pics of the blue fusion mic in their car? I am curious what it looks like.


Full Access Member
Oct 7, 2010
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Lafayette, LA
Felix, that is my issue too. I was all about the blue fusion unit and then I thought, why do I want to run a cord and mic through my cabin when there is a perfectly good one already there. Does anyone have any pics of the blue fusion mic in their car? I am curious what it looks like.

Exactly! Plus from what I hear, everyone with the VCIM is saying that the factory mix is crystal clear and works really well.


Full Access Member
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Does blue fusion cut the heater fan when a call comes in?

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