the brakes are self checking if the module had a error it would most likely light up the abs/brake light, if the abs sensor is slightly out of whack and/or hub it could be sending wrong info and causing a problem but yet not throwing a code, just making a mess of things. I have had it happen with brand new out of the box hubs/sensors
when it see's 3 wheels going 20 and 1 going 18 (erratic data) it thinks you might have lost traction so it kicks on traction control or engages abs or both.
things to try are
disable traction control
disable stabiltrac
pull the abs fuse
monitor live abs sensor data
in general traction control is kicked on when it detects wheel slip, then it kind of progresses to other drivetrain issue's
same thing happens if I drive over a sidewalk at speed, it detects the wheel not spinning the same as the rest so it pauses and traction control/stabiltrac/abs decides what to do and then proceeds again once it see's 4 data points all the same. I bog out momentarily and then it goes again. it can be a real pita depending on the situation or it could save your life it goes either way.