Which engine?
You should be able to "rent" a fuel pressure gauge at your local parts store; essentially you pay for it with a credit card, they hold the funds until you return it in the timeframe allowed (usually days), then the funds are returned to your credit card. Free fuel pressure testing. If you don't return it in time, you bought it.
Initial test is to connect the fuel pressure gauge to the Schrader valve on the passenger rail, then turn the ignition key to the ON position without cranking. Read the fuel pressure; V8 spec is 55 to 62 psi; if it's a Flex Fuel engine (VIN Z) it's a little lower, 48-54 psi.
Next time you go to start it, roll down your window and turn the key to the 'on' position without cranking. You should hear/feel the fuel pump run for a few seconds. Get that sound in your head.
Then next time it cranks but won't start, cycle the key and listen for the pump to run. If you don't hear it, well, then you know something's wrong with it or the circuit. But even if it does run, there's no guarantee that it's really pumping fuel.
If it doesn't run, as
@89Suburban recommended have someone reach underneath and bang the bottom of the tank a few times. Sometimes that's the attitude adjustment needed to get out of a jam. If that works to make it run, you're probably looking at a fuel pump replacement.