My former 1997 Tahoe came with a black plastic storage box and lid under the hood at the left front corner where a 2nd battery would have gone. It was a great place to store jumper cables and tow strap.
My 2019 has a similar place for a 2nd battery but does not have the storage box. Anyone know where to find a similar box that would fit in the space (max 11” x 8” x 10” tall)? A 24 series battery box is too big. I’ve searched on-line and in local stores. No, I’ve not tried locating one from an earlier model Tahoe. There are no vehicle junk yards anywhere in this area.
My 2019 has a similar place for a 2nd battery but does not have the storage box. Anyone know where to find a similar box that would fit in the space (max 11” x 8” x 10” tall)? A 24 series battery box is too big. I’ve searched on-line and in local stores. No, I’ve not tried locating one from an earlier model Tahoe. There are no vehicle junk yards anywhere in this area.