So the engine seems to run ok right now. Better than it has in a while, but I know there’s still some more fine tuning to do; however... TRANSMISSION!!!
We got it to act up with the scanner hooked up. You’ll be driving along in 4th, the TC won’t lockup, but the scanner will say it wants to lockup. Then all of a sudden, it will kick down out of 4th, into 3rd, and once that happens, it will start hard shifting. It will ONLY hard shift after it does this, never at any other time. If I leave it in 3rd, it’s fine. It will usually lockup in 3rd too (if I have the shift lever in 3rd), but hasn’t been doing that either. Transmission temperatures will start to climb once this happens, but won’t go above 210. All other times it runs around 170-190. Also get a “dragging” feeling after, as well.
Side note: the transmission was overfilled by about a quart. Don’t know how, but it was. We drained that out, and still no change.
Fluid looks and smells fine.
Is there any way to check the TC specifically without pulling the transmission? Maybe something in the wiring? Idk how to Ohm test those wires or anything. Electrical is not my forte, nor are transmissions lol.