That's what I'm talking about- an oil filter gasket that stays on the engine and eventually needs a half a day to change instead of one that comes on the oil filter itself so it gets replaced every time the filter gets changed like a normal vehicle. They build them so they make a fortune on service.
I have a 2011 328i and change the gasket every time I change the filter. It is included with the $8 Mann filters I buy off Amazon. Either the dealership is blowing smoke where the sun doesn't shine or it is being misnamed.
Best part about that BMW's oil change? The filter is on the top of the motor... It is the easiest and cleanest oil change I have ever done.
That's crazy about the X6, though!
Whoops, I can see the confusion. The oil filter cartridge comes with an o-ring for the cap, which gets replaced every time. The oil filter housing has a gasket, which is prone to leaking over time. That requires pulling the intake manifold on the X6. On other BMWs, like my E36, it only requires pulling the alternator and airbox.
It's true though, I don't think this leak exists on the Tahoe.