Appliances are in short supply all over. We are a GE house here. I hate appliance issues. I would almost rather my vehicle break down then have to deal with an appliance that is on the fritz.
A year or so ago we decided to replace our stove and refrigerator and looked at getting some Samsung stuff due to price point, but found that service for Samsung stuff around me sucks. Closest "Certified Samsung Service Tech" is 1-1/2 hours away and heard that parts are super hard to get. Had to replace my dad's gas dryer a couple weeks ago and the local appliance store that we use said they hit their yearly goal for sales at the beginning of August this year for new units. Fortunately, they had a gas dryer in stock. They are having issues with repair parts though. Said many are showing 4-6 week backlog which has helped with the new unit sales, they believe.
about 2 years my 10 year maytag washer spun the bearings, had a guy come look at it and he must not have wanted to do the repair and said just go buy a nrw one so I went and bought some fancy ass $1800 samsung, hooked it up, loaded some laundry, put it to work and it looked like it was washing clothes in about a cup of water, I let it do it's thing, when it finished the clothes where covered in lint and definitely not looking or feeling clean, unhooked that ************* and took it back, called another guy and for $350 he put brand new bearings in it and it was back to working like brand new again, then about a week later it stopped spinning did a little googling and discovered it was simple little $20 plastic gear that took about 30 seconds to replace, been working fine since then. they make these things "environmentally friendly" now, they make them to conform with epa laws of using less water. less power yada yada you just end up with a useless piece of crap. just like low flow toilets, incandescent light bulbs, digital tv, 4g/5g cant get a dam phone signal or tv channel if you are not in a fraction of the range of analog tv or 3g which used to work pretty well. rant over