Just curious... I notice alot of you guys get the milky looking oil out of your catch cans... do you guys do a lot of short trips around town???
The reason I ask is mine never looks like that but I live kinda out in the sticks so trips are probably longer.
I know the milky oil is caused from moisture/condensation in the crankcase from heating and cooling and it's nothing major like a bad head gasket or anything but I was just curious.
I also make it a habit to remote start my truck and allow it to get up to operating temperature before driving it as well... perhaps that helps too.
Mine is always normal looking...
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I was kind of wondering the same thing I would be a bit worried if something like that was showing up, I haven't put a catch can in (yet) thought about it but if mine is using any oil it has to be pretty minuscule oil level stays the same between oil changes L94
Mine was only like that one time when my OCI fell in the dead of winter. I was a bit worried, but no other signs of trouble. Next time was back to normal.

Yes, that's what I was talking about when I said that after the drainage sits for a while in the bottle it gets noticeably darker.
Makes total sense. Total Homer Simpson D'oh moment. I just wasn't thinking about the system correctly.
Side, side, side note. I noticed that the drainage from my catch can has more of a fuel'ish smell to it than I expected. Not sure that means anything. Just an observation.
Mine too. Normal. The vapor has fuel in it.