Drove it to bring Kin to a car show, picking up my stepdad, Johnny, along the way. When he got up to walk to the Tahoe, he was unstable and dragging his right leg and foot. Said he woke up feeling strange but was feeling a lot better. He's really stubborn and proud and was literally trying to walk it off. I told him to get back in the house and called an ambulance. Kin and I followed the ambulance to the ER and, as expected, they're suspecting a mild stroke. On the ride to the hospital, Johnny told the paramedics his symptoms had just started, so they were planning on giving him a tPA as soon as he got to the ER. My brother, Justin, is an EMS Educator (awarded
2021 NAEMT Educator Of The Year, actually

) and has access to a portal for patient cases so he saw their assessment and plan of action. In actuality, Johnny's symptoms were over four hours old, putting him well outside the three-hour safety window for the tPA and into a life-threatening danger zone had he been given it. Justin called some contacts at the hospital and advised them of the corrected timeframe. After some tests, they're now suspecting a TIA (transient ischemic attack), which is a much better case. Currently awaiting an MRI.
Also, I noticed my right turn signal hyperflashing. I was relieved to see the reflection of the turn signal on the the car in front of me. I am NOT in a position to be pulling a damned headlight assembly at the moment.