Hmmm....if I put this into my 5.4 Tahoe with AWD, what would the price I would be looking at to have it installed? Would I need a new transmission too?
I'd highly recommend installing it yourself. These kits are NOT hard to do. I did all my supercharger installs and although the first one was time consuming, I gained alot better knowledge of how these engines work and where everything is. There are alot of people on the web to help you through it. By the time I was on my 3rd supercharger, I could do the complete install in about 4 hours.
You would not
need a new transmission, but a shift kit and some billet servos would certainly prolong the life under heavy boost (if that's how you drive).
I drove a complete year with my truck boosted on a stock transmission and had no slipping or issues, ever. If you have a lead foot and want to race at every light, then plan on buying a new transmission, lol.