I've done some research now in drop-in-filters. And science says; 98% of airflow in a dry filter and 99% on a oiled drop in filter. The ups and downs. The dry filter needs more maintenance like blowing out with a compressor often (which is not a problem for me since I've a compressor and don't mind doing such things). The oiled filter can do way longer with no maintenance, the only thing they sad about that, in theory, the oil from the filter could come in de MIT, messing with the airflow sensor. Also, living in a sandy environment or in a clean area can make one better then the other. So I don't want to worry about the filter to much anymore. It will be a dry one, and price and availability will also matter in my case. And since Airaid is a good manufacturer who is testing their stuff, and BBP is selling it, it should be a good filter too... But the MIT will make the difference and just keeping the OEM filter box and make sure it's sealed.