Wanted to see if I could cut and polish out the scratches on the hood. I’ve been meaning to do this for some time now. Those car washes that aren’t touch-less really do a number on your paint. I wash the crap out of my vehicles, especially in the winter.
First, I just wanted to do a test to see if the scratches could be buffed out.
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Not really! It helped but didn’t do anything for the scratches. You can see how much it brought the color back! Damn it, now I gotta keep going.
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At this point I’m not even gonna polish. Cutting helped but didn’t help the scratches. I’m gonna have to wet sand the entire hood and then polish it out. As long as I don’t get into color while sanding, I should be ok. If I hit color, then I’ll have to just do a full repaint on hood. I should have enough base and clear if I have to go that way. Prefer not.
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