^ Exactly. Don't get me wrong, I love upgrading to SENSIBLE performance lighting whenever possible, but I don't see the point in "upgrading" to certain HID or LED headlight bulb configurations which make YOUR driving experience great while blinding the shit out of everyone else, without the addition of a proper retrofit to go along with the new forward lighting upgrade. If you can't afford to, or simply don't wanna spend the money on a custom retrofit, then don't upgrade. Its half-ass IMO when people do this, not to mention uncourteous to the rest of us on the road who'd like to transport our families around safely without being blinded by asshats. If you really can't see to drive at night with the standard halogen bulbs, which people have been using fine for 50+ years, then you shouldn't be on the road after dark. You wouldn't believe how many stupid rednecks around my area have ten different super duper cool Chinese HID fitted lights on the front of their trucks. I'm guessing they're too dumb to know how to upgrade to HID's the correct way. That, or just too damn cheap.

Rant over...