This topic has nothing to do with Tahoes/Yukons, but it does have to do with cars. I have noticed this on forums for a long time, and have been dying to ask. How are you guys and girls (particularly young ones 16 -28 years old) able to own......
What a good thread...I've been wondering the same about lotta kids out there. This isn't just your average every day blahblah this mod/that mod thread get to know guys a little better than you did before eh?
My car story? I'm 34 and been in the IT industry for about 17+ years or so? Started by own small IT services business, from that money I started another one so I had two very lucrative businesses going at the same time. I'd say during that time I was averaging about 5-12k per week, so money came very easily at that point in my life. I had a big house, a harley, a BMW, an Infiniti, and a couple other cars here and there. My priorities and my head were not in the right place that's for sure, and I had the blood suckers around me to prove it. My total monthly commitment to vehicles was around 2600 or so every single ******* month.
All that business success quickly went away when the economy went sour...can you imagine keeping up with that amount of monthly payments with 1/4th the salary? HELL. HELL HELL HELL...(I divorced my gold-digging wife during this rebirth of the BOSS) but I made it through, only (1) late car payment and I still have my house with ZERO late pays! Sold the BMW, Harley, Mazda and the Infiniti lease just finished.
Now? I make a LOT less in my full time job as an IT exec...SO, as of last month, I'm down to 3 vehicles which we own outright and my priorities and values are SPOT ******* ON.
Well....I took out small loan and bought the Tahoe

...which is how I ended up here.
That's my car story...