So this new police officer by me thinks he's a hero (Not knocking the profession as I have buddies in it, however this guys just a straight power tripped dick). I had front window tint all my life and have never gotten in trouble but lately this guy has pulled me over any and every time he sees me, mind you dangerous u-turns in traffic, etc and never given me anything but a fix-it ticket from anything from tint-replacing stock license plate bulb ticket. Basically I wanna know how hard it is to install new front window glass. I want to get a new set of glass, tint those to match my backs and be able to run them and if I get in trouble just put the stock clear ones on. I really dont break laws, and have no points on my license I just love tint, it keeps my car cool, I feel safer, and I love the look so I would apreciate it to keep the "thats what you get comments to yourself" Thanks guys!