@mikeyss its not undriveable, i think im just fighting a few different factors, and expecting stock like performance; i've had the temp just climb and climb to over 230*
for reference:
a normal drive it will get up to about 170* hang around there for a while maybe go up to like 180. a couple quick pulls maybe 190-195. and it would just incrementally raise a few degrees at a time and wouldnt get back down until i stopped, could leave it idling a while and temps would go back down to 180*. after it gets over 200, AC on, 80mph it would just slowly climb 205, 210, 215 . turning AC off would sometimes stop the rise in temp but not bring it back down while driving even at a steady 65-80mph with plenty of air flow, locked up torque converter etc. and of course the south florida heat 90+ambient all day everyday.
this is all set up a bit different from stock:
electric water pump is connected directly to the lower radiator (had a 20an bung welded to it)
ewp pushes to the water manifold on the front of the engine (had other port to cabin hvac, removed atm)
4 corner steam vents i looped back into the manifold at first, manifold back to top of radiator.
i moved the steam ports to the radiator (suction side) no help, i since moved them to the coolant overflow tank. i think this is the best place for them as they let whatever steam/bubbles enter the expansion tank and dont get recirculated through the radiator.
one problem is that the electric water pump will pull a vacuum on the radiator end tank and cavitate (sucking nothing but air) and just force air thru the system. its easy enough to bleed the system out, but i think doing some hard pulls on it the coolant heats way up/expands, expansion tank pops the cap, pukes some coolant. a couple of times like that and i think it builds some air pockets in the radiator then starts heating uncontrollably. now im using straight water with water wetter so boiling point is lower. i would like to keep the temp under 200. if i can keep the temp down it wouldnt get to the point where pockets are forming.
i ordered an aftermarket expansion tank, i may up the steam port hose a size larger.