You're trying to get the splined shaft outta that star-shaped part?
Could it have a ring on the inside, like how the inner joint of CV axles on cars have?
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yes, day 4 of splines kicking my ass. waiting for a few tools to show up. no one i know had a larger cv joint separator tool.
didnt mess with it at all today though. superlift finally sent me instructions for rear brackets, pretty slick, made sense after looking at it.
so i came home today and put those on to flatten the rear controls arms again. i measured the bars to be even. tried to also measure the wheel wells and make sure wheel was sitting centered but its kinda pita. so i'll just wait till its all together and do it. routed the parking brake lines. just need to put them back into the clamp thingy where they go back into one. i need to drill a few 1/2 holes and put in some hardware for a few brackets, i cooked half a dozen of them trying to drill out the rear sway bar so i ordered a few more.
shocks - soooo i kinda want it to ride nice. an adjustable shock would be sweet cause its bouncy AF with no shocks on it. but i think being so high without some stiffys highway cruising is going to be a mess. being able to adjust would be nice. i have a QA1 part no that will work with the shock extenders single adjustable is plenty theyre like 160bux each - same price as nice non adjustable (FOX) shocks that i can run without the extenders.