So I tried flashing the BCM with the updated file but I forgot it needs to be licensed to the Autocal so I emailed it to Blackbear. Who knows how long that will take. Hey Shannon @BlackBearPerf can you look into this? It should only take Justin a minute to do that. Also, I have been thinking about the headlights ever since the last time I built them. The lower (high beams) bowls have bothered me ever since. They’re chrome for one, in order to reflect, and we all know how I feel about chrome. So I priced Morimoto mini H1’s, with the same demon eyes and etching on the lenses like the others and even with TRS’s 20% off Black Friday sale it was over $400 in parts. No thanks. So I ordered Acme projectors and ballasts and HD relays with no demon eyes or etching. I might order the demon eyes later, haven’t decided. It just gets to be a lot of wiring so IDK, might just have the upper set with them. Anyway it was $140 this way and I’ll still have quad projectors and zero chrome. I don’t really need more light but it won’t hurt, right?