Only the upper plenum need to come off to do it and as you put it back down you will want to grab the fuel body up thru the plenum a little in order for the plenum to seat properly when bolted down and the connector to lock properly.
Routing as described below:
V8 Engines
This procedure outlines the steps required to replace the existing Central SFI Fuel System with a new MFI (Multipoint Flexible Injection) Fuel System. Be sure to use the appropriate year and model Service Manual for proper disassembly and re-assembly procedure(s).
1. Remove Upper Intake Manifold plenum and SFI Fuel Meter Body according to Service Manual Procedures. 2. Remove the Fuel Meter Body bracket and discard. Install the new bracket.
3. Position Fuel Tubes of MFI Fuel Meter Body as shown in Figure 3. Fuel tubes 1, 3, 5, and 7 are oriented toward the fuel inlet side of the fuel meter body. Fuel tubes 2, 4, 6, and 8 are oriented toward the fuel pressure regulator side if the fuel meter body. 4. Insert the MFI Fuel Meter Body into the Fuel Meter Body Bracket on the Lower Intake Manifold being careful not to bind the Fuel Tubes. Push down firmly on the fuel meter body until the tabs snap into the bracket locking the fuel meter body in place. 5. Orient the fuel tubes to coincide with their corresponding cylinder. The fuel tubes are numbered on the side of the fuel meter body and the corresponding cylinder number is cast in the intake manifold.
Notice :Use
caution when inserting injectors into lower intake manifold to be sure the correct injector is being placed into the correct hole. Injectors should not be removed once they have been installed.
Removal of injectors from the intake manifold may cause damage to the retaining lugs on the injector.
Important :The Injector holes are numbered on the Lower Intake Manifold. The injectors are numbered on the side of the Fuel Meter Body. 6. Insert the fuel tubes into their corresponding holes in the intake manifold. Install tubes for cylinders 1, 3, 6 and 8 making sure that the injector electrical connectors are facing in toward the center of the manifold. 7. Insert fuel tubes for cylinders 2, 4, 5, and 7 in the same manner.
Important :When installing fuel tubes, it is important that the tubes are oriented properly to provide minimal interference when installing the upper intake manifold plenum. Intake holes for cylinders 2, 4, 5, and 7 are closer to the fuel meter body. It is necessary to cross tube 5 over tube 7 and tube 4 over tube 2 as shown in Figure 4.
Notice :Lack of lubrication will make installation of the Upper Intake Manifold plenum difficult and may cause damage to the 0-ring. 8. Lubricate the Fuel Meter Body Upper Manifold 0-ring (blue in color) with clean engine oil. 9. Inspect Upper Intake Manifold Gasket and replace if necessary. Reinstall the Upper Intake Manifold plenum following the procedures in the Service Manual.
Important :Lubricate the Fuel Inlet and Return Lines with clean engine oil before inserting them in the of the Fuel Meter Body. Make sure that Fuel Line Retaining Bracket is properly oriented with the tabs down.