So this morning was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster ride. I think I shared a while back that I was in the process of moving but I wasn’t sure if I had shared any of the details. Well my landlord told me in September that she had an offer in on her house across the street. I thought to myself “after three and a half years of it being on the market now of all times it sells.....” Ooi...
so I’ve been searching for a new place and there’s absolutely NOTHING available for long term rentals in our town. It’s absolute crap right now in the housing market here. I found out this morning from a friend in the rental business that all the homeowners have pulled their long term rentals brigade they’re afraid with Covid that renters will move in, pay 60 days of rent, and then claim Covid and that they don’t have rent money and then the owners can’t do anything about it because of the moratorium on no evictions through the Covid deal. Really sucks for honest hard working people like me who will always get rent paid no matter what and now need a new place....
fortunately for me we have another close family friend that has a small studio type space on the bottom floor of her house that she has rented out off and on and her and her husband decided a longer-ish rental for me until I can find a permanent house was totally cool. So I have a place. Been moving all my stuff in all week but I dint have my own kitchen so the majority of my stuff is now in storage. Been staying in the new place all week.
fast forward to this morning and the last three things that couldn’t go into my denali were my refrigerator, my mattress and box spring, and an old couch that was sorta dumped on me years ago that I finally decided to get rid of. Well this morning I had a friend to help, and the family I’m now moved in with, loaned me their big flat bed trailer. So I got everything out. Fridge and bed setup protected and in storage and couch off to the dump. And the emotions hit. I had to say goodbye to my home for just by of 8 years and I had a moment... lol. It was hard to say goodbye to this place
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