You should be able to drill an access hole in the right place and stick a flexible boroscope to look at it. Below are three methods used gain hole access to disinfect the evaporator. Perhaps one of them might work to inspect it without tearing the dash apart. Blower motor removal is probably the best one.
Application Through Blower Motor Control Module Opening - Remove the blower motor control module (
blower motor resistor). Refer to the applicable procedure in SI. - Clean any debris or foreign material from inside the HVAC module and on the
evaporator core surface. - Apply the Cooling Coil Coating directly to the
evaporator core through the
blower motor blower motor control module (
blower motor resistor) opening. - Use the flexible wand to direct the Cooling Coil Coating over the entire
evaporator core and surrounding gasket surfaces. - When the application is complete, install the
blower motor blower motor control module (blower motor control module).
Application Through Blower Motor Opening - Remove the blower motor. Refer to the applicable blower motor removal procedure in SI. - Clean any debris or foreign material from inside the HVAC module and on the
evaporator core surface. - Apply the Cooling Coil Coating directly to the
evaporator core through the
blower motor opening. - Use the flexible wand to direct the Cooling Coil Coating over the entire
evaporator core and surrounding gasket surfaces. - When the application is complete, install the
blower motor.
Application Through a Hole in the HVAC Module - If neither of the two previous application methods are available, it may be necessary to drill a hole in the HVAC module. - Locate an area of the HVAC module between the
blower motor and the
evaporator core. Drill a 10 mm (3/8 in) hole in the HVAC module. Use caution to keep the drill clear of the evaporator core and the blower motor fan. - With the air distribution vents closed and the
blower motor fan speed on HIGH, insert the applicator tool into the hole and spray the Cooling Coil Coating into the airstream toward the
evaporator core. - Use a GM approved RTV sealant to plug the hole in the HVAC module.