Ok, what is done today: removed block to firewall my auxiliary cable, wiggled mash ground cable, resecured it's grounding positioning on firewall, had loose bolt. Managed to achieve 10v on the system. Still had issues with Stabilitrack. I run cable from block to the negative terminal of the battery, checked brake fluid tank, maked sure it's tight, checked it's sensor and connector. Disconnected and reconnected 4 coils on driver side. Drove it with Stabilitrack around the block, I had to move vehicle anyway, tomorrow is street cleaning. After I parked, upon checking obd, I had 14.2 volts in th system. Got check engine light, that is something new. Stabilitrack still not functioning. I disconnected battery negative terminal and left it till tomorrow. I will order new brake pedal sensor and try it again.
P.S. I couldn't even move that ground bolt , it's so frozen I would need a impact gun. Brake pedal sensor was replaced like 8 months ago.