Here's what I've done so far:
- Support vehicle on 4 jack stands.
- Remove both front wheels (22 mm works well, actually fits better than the imperial).
- Remove skid plate (18 mm)
- Drain oil
- Remove cross member (2 short, 2 long bolts) (forgot to note size, probably 18 mm)
- Drain front differential fluid (yellow colour, quite clean!
) (13 mm drain bolt, 15 mm fill bolt)
- Mark axle/differential flange with chalk.
- Mark front drive shaft.
- These next eight steps did not have to be done, but I did them planning to remove the front differential entirely:
- Remove transfer case splash shield (possibly unnecessary)
- Place transmission in drive and release parking brake (possibly unnecessary)
- Rotate front drive shaft to remove boot clamp. (possibly unnecessary)
- Set parking brake. (possibly unnecessary)
- Remove 2 drive shaft bolts (11 mm) (possibly unnecessary)
- Release parking brake, rotate drive shaft 180°, reset parking brake (possibly unnecessary)
- Remove last two drive shaft bolts. (possibly unnecessary)
- Remove drive shaft from front differential, support with bungee cord. (possibly unnecessary)
- Return transmission to Park.
- Remove electrical connector to front differential.
- Open electrical wire loom clamp on top of differential to release wire.
- Remove vent hose.
- Remove 6 15 mm passenger side axle-differential bolts.
- Turn steering wheel to far left.
- Remove 6 15 mm drivers side axle-differential bolts.
- Support axles with bungee cord to protect CV joints.
- Loosen all differential bolts but do not remove (21 mm)
- Support differential with transmission jack.
- Remove the two long bolts from differential mount.
- Remove the two short bolts supporting differential from frame.
- Separate idler arm to center link bolt. This allows center link to rotate away from differential as you lower it. NOTE 1: Every video I've seen, people are disconnecting the tie rod end to do this. They are taking off too much here. NOTE 2: I have not actually done this yet. After lowering the differential, it is nicely resting on the center link. This is now lowered enough that I should have no trouble removing the oil pan. If I do, it is a matter of one bolt on the steering linkage, then the entire differential will come out.
That's where it stands for now. This actually took me 4 hours to do. Yes, I work really slowly, but part of it was figuring things out, part of it was documenting what I was doing, and part of it was working inefficiently. At first I jacked up only the front wheels, but I realized that to separate the front drive shaft I'd have to raise the rear as well so that the drive shaft would rotate.
Here are some things that may be completely unnecessary and a complete waste of time:
Raising the rear of the truck.
Releasing the boot clamp on the front drive shaft.
Separating the front drive shaft from the differential.
If I decide to remove the front differential, then yes, doing those three things would be necessary.
I'll come back to edit this later as I continue with the oil pan removal.